Monday, July 25, 2011

Day Thirty-One: A Month Already?!

I can't believe it's already been a month. It's going by so fast, but still tons of fun! We are looking forward to the next part of our trip, which would be down the West Coast. Like I said yesterday, we're in Vancouver (area) for the next few days, then it'll be down to Portland for a few more, and then to California.
Our day started as a typical Washington day. It rained this morning for a little. Oh, well. It's to be expected! Since it was a Monday morning, and it's only 2 hours between stops, we were able to start a little later, so we didn't have to travel through rush hour. We wanted to stop and see the Freemont Troll under the bridge, but missed the exit. We drove around and tried, but couldn't find it. Who knew it would be so difficult to find a giant sculpture?! We decided try again on the way out of Washington on Thursday. Hopefully we won't miss it this time!!
We got to our campsite in the early afternoon. It is in a town named Lynden. It's about 20 minutes, if that, to the Canadian border. That will be tomorrow's trip! We set up our area and it looks very home-y now. Everyone here is from Canada- I'm pretty sure we're the only Americans here. Actually, there might be two cars from Washington. We spent a few hours planning our stops in Oregon, which should be fun! Other than that, there's not much from today.

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